Pete Fountain, Jazz Clarinetist, was born on July 3, 1930 in New Orleans. He has entertained us for decades and we all wish him the best.
We wish Pete a happy 82nd birthday, and may he continue to "toot" and make music for many more years.
Pete's Baby Photo
Excellent! Good taste in music. A hug, S. (Brasil)
happy birthday to u but i m too late to wish u
Can you please put your
Pete Fountain Salutes the Great Clarinetists
on emusic, so I can buy it?
Please put your
Pete Fountain Salutes the Great Clarinetists
on emusic so I can buy it.
Thanks, Wyoming Fan
Please put your
Pete Fountain Salutes the Great Clarinetists
on emusic so I can buy it.
Thanks, Wyoming Fan
Please put your
Pete Fountain Salutes the Great Clarinetists
on emusic so I can buy it.
Thanks, Wyoming Fan
Thank YOU for creating this blog page for Pete ♥ ... I can't Believe he only lived across the street from me for 2 years.. it seemed like at least 5, but I was just a young kid and his daughter Dahra and I carpooled to school each day together and Pete would come swimming in our pool across the street Very Often.... and the sound of his "practicing his scales" DAILY from one of his back bedrooms would waft down the driveway and it embedded itself in my brain.
My family later traveled to NOLA and visitied him and he drove us around in one of his fav cars.. his baby blue Mustang.. he and I are Both July babies.. and I rememer one time he came up to So Lake Tahoe to play... I have been worried about him since Katrina..
I use to have his addess and phone number and called him once and he helped a Jazz friend of mine that I sent to NOLA when he had a week off and Pete let him come in to his culb at the Top pf the Hilton at the end of Canal Street... and then drove him around town. I wish there was some way to let him KNOW that his old neighbor still thinks of him and misses him and thinks of him fondly ♥
Wishing you a happy birthday
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long live peter,
Aston Kuta Hotel and Residence
Hi Pete
I know great music when I hear
it. It was everywhere growing up there. I would love to see you play in New Orleans.
Please add me to your fan list.
Keep rocking...
Hello Pete from me and the late Herman Osmer,
In 1964 I was 17 and Herman was 70 and loved your music. Can't tell you how many times he brought up your name as being the greatest. I was into the R&R music of the day and thought big band was all crapola.
Herman had a big influence on my life and I can't think of him without seeing his face light up saying something about you. And just for hey of it I look you up on wikepedia and see you are alive and well. I had to write a fan letter.
Now I've come to appreciate big band music and listen to it often on Pandora. Every time I hear a clarinet I run to the player to see if it's Pete Fountain and so far I have not heard your music. But I certainly will.
You've meant a lot to some very fine people. Best of luck.
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